Monday, March 24, 2008

Ongoing tour in the US.

Tuesday the 18th.

(Þórir looking at records)

(Ghost Mice + Eric)

The show was in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We played with Ghost Mice again. We had to wait outside the venue for 2 hours, but it was alright because they had a really nice record store right next to it where we wasted our time and our money.
We stayed at some peoples place that we met at the gig. One of the guys worked at the record store. They had a lot of National Geography that we had a good time reading.

Wednesday the 19th.

(House show)

We played two shows that day, one house show and then one show during the evening. The house show was really cool. We were late because we took a wrong turn, so we missed the food, but everybody was really nice. The show was in the garage and there were a bunch of kids there. Many of them came to she show during the evening as well.
The house show was in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

(The Collective show)
The show during the evening was at a collective in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There was a really cool vegetarian show across the street and the had a Deli as well where we had some vegan Mac and Cheese and stuff.
The collective was pretty awesome, there was a library, a screen printing studio, the had classes there and what not.
That was our last concert with Ghost Mice for now, but hopefully they'll come to Iceland during there Europe tour.

Thursday the 20th.

We began our day looking for a dentist for Þórir because his tooth had been killing him for a long time and he hadn't slept for 3 days. We had to go to 3 different dentist before Þórir could get and appointment, but we finally managed to squeeze him in. He got some pain killers and some anti-biotics so he's doing better now.
Because of this whole stuff we were a little late when we arrived in Bloomington, Indiana. It was a really long drive, but we made it!
The show was at a store called Sweet Hickory that Ryan from Defiance, Ohio is on of the organizers for. The shop was really cool. It was an art gallery and a record store.
At the show we met up with Michael ( Drekka) who we stayed with the next 2 nights.

Friday the 21st.

We had the day off so we hung out with Michael in Bloomington.
Michael house was really really nice. He had a huge creepy basement where he had a drum set and stuff, and we also watched some DVD's there on night.
Our day in Bloomington was really nice. We ate some good food, bought some records and stuff. Arnar got a tattoo at a local tattoo shop, and it was really cheap. He got the drawing that was at Þórir's first CD cover.

We also visited the Vollmar guys at the studio where they were recording. It was kind of in the middle of nowhere and was in a little house where they slept and ate and everything. Þórir is seriously thinking about coming there to record his next album if he cans.
Bloomington is a really nice place. There are a lot of hippies and punks there, and those are the kind of people we like!
During the evening Ryan from Defiance, Ohio had a birthday party. It was really nice, they had some vegan Orios that were amazing! We were kind of party poopers though, and played Guess Who? instead of mingle a little with Ryan's friends.
We didn't stay at the birthday party for that long because we also went to a concert near and saw a few bands. One of the bands was called Dark, Dark, Dark and were really good. We bought their cassette before we left home to relax.
The gig was at a bar and I wasn't old enough to go in there, since I'm only 20. Michael gave me loads of advice; act cocky and talk loudly in Icelandic, but when we got there it wasn't a problem at all.

Saturday the 22th.

We woke up early and drove to our friend Bill's in Peoria, Illinois.
We got there kind of early so we had time to visit Bill where he works. At a instrument store called Guitar World. We spent over an hour in there, just checking stuff out.

We also ate at a local Italian restaurant that was really good. Þórir burned his finger on a pizza there, and has blisters on his fingers now!
Bill had just moved in to a house with a bunch of his friends. It was a really really nice house. They had a jacuzy and everything!
The show that Bill had planed fell through, so instead My summer playd his basement. A bunch of his friends and co-workers were there, and some family as well. It was really nice.
We watched a lot of DVD while we were there. Mainly a show called Robot Chicken, which was really funny.

Easter Sunday - march the 23rd.

We had to get up really early because we had a 5 hour drive ahead of us, and My Summer as a Salvation Soldier was playing at a records store at 3. The store and the show that night were in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The record store was awesome. Really big and they had a little bit of everything there.
There weren't a lot of people at the show though, since it was Easter Sunday and all. There was also some football game going on near by.
The show was really fun though. There we met Andy and Annie who we would be staying with, and Greg the Mayor who hung out with us that day as well.

After the show at the record store we took our stuff to Andie and Anna's place and met all their pets. They had a dog and three cats, one of whom is the largest I have seen in my life!

They then took us sight seeing in Indianapolis which was a lot of fun. We rarely have the time to look properly at the places we travel to, so it was really nice to be able to check Indianapolis out.
After the sight seeing we went home and Andie cooked us a delicious meal and then we went to the venue where the show during the night was.

The bar was called Melody Inn and was really cool. The obviously had a lot of shows there and like having life music. My summer played second and after them played a local band called Sister who were awesome.

Right now we are just hanging out at Andy's and Annie's and later today we'll drive to Cincinnati, Ohio.

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